STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

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Article Archive For Moses Sanchez

  • Full Service by Moses Sanchez

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Full Service by Moses Sanchez It's nice to have a hand to hold when you are confused about the market. The way many traders do when they are starting out, I went to a "free" workshop on options and trading when I first got interested in the markets. Once there, they offered to teach me to trade for a fee I could not afford. Undaunted, I figured I could learn the lessons they offered just by visiting my local library. So I did: I started reading what was available there to feed my own interest about the wonderful world of stocks, options, and commodities. After much study, I decided I was rea...

  • At The Close by Moses Sanchez

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...At The Close by Moses Sanchez Many people can be grouped into one of two categories. I am an eternal optimist while my wife is pessimistic and we complement each other perfectly. Investors or traders need to know which category they fall into and acknowledge it as soon as they get involved with the market because it can have devastating effects on their decisions otherwise. In late 2007, a colleague of mine -- let's call him Optimistic Oscar -- was buying what he considered good deals. He did his homework and analysis both fundamentally and technically, and concluded that purchasing stock of s...

  • Puts and Covered Calls For Newbies by Moses Sanchez

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Puts and Covered Calls For Newbies by Moses Sanchez Options are complex vehicles but useful for conservative traders who want to purchase their favorite high-yielding dividend stock without having a large downside risk. Here's how you can trade options even if you're just starting out as a trader. IN this trading environment, a beginner trader may worry about jumping in to buy their favorite stock. That concern is justified, with recent volatility hitting record highs. So what are novice traders supposed to do in order to protect their investment and feel confident about it? Most beginner t...

  • Secular And Cyclical Cycles by Moses Sanchez

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Secular And Cyclical Cycles by Moses Sanchez Secular and cyclical cycles are common, but what do they really mean? The terms secular and cyclical are tossed around by business news pundits on a daily basis. A search on either topic does give some explanations, but how can you apply these definitions to your trading strategy in order to make smart trades? A secular market First of all, you need to understand what a secular market means. In the financial markets, a secular cycle means a long-term boom or bust. This time frame has been debated as being anywhere between five and 20 years, but ...

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