Daytrading QQQ by Misha T. Sarkovich, Ph.D.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Daytrading QQQ by Misha T. Sarkovich, Ph.D.
Looking at price history can help you become a more
successful trader.
The QQQ is an exchange-traded fund
(ETF), sometimes referred to as "cubes"
or "Qs." The QQQ is traded primarily
on the exchange floor of the American
Stock Exchange (AMEX) and represents a price index of Nasdaq 100's largest stocks. In
essence, the QQQ allows investors and traders to buy
or sell shares in the collective stock performance of
an entire stock portfolio as a single security. Other
common exchange-traded funds are SPY and DIA,
which are also referred to as "spiders" ...
AUTHOR: Misha T. Sarkovich, Ph.D.DATE: MAR 2003SUBJECT: Trading Techniques