Flexible Market Forecast by Michael Kahn
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...It is important to be flexible in your market forecasts, as this walk through some recent trends in various markets indicate.
That repetitive price patterns exist
is one of the foundations of
technical analysis. The reasoning
is that repetitive patterns
occur because traders react to
similar market conditions in a
similar fashion. Unfortunately,
in the real world, the term similar
market conditions is subject
to interpretation, as the market's price movements do not
unfold in a precise, repetitive fashion. Take a look at ex-amples
of some market movements, including trends and
reversals, to ...
AUTHOR: Michael KahnDATE: OCT 1998SUBJECT: Real World
Measuring the Move by Michael Kahn
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Chartists often use techniques to set profit objectives as well as determine their risk points in putting on a trade. Here, then, are some guidelines for your own trading.
When a market breaks out of a
technical trading pattern, traders
need to correctly gauge potential
price moves against the risk of
being wrong. Most patterns reveal
the market's intentions in
their own shapes and sizes. Two,
and sometimes three, price targets
can be forecast with a simple
assessment of the pattern itself.
Measuring potential price moves works for all patterns and
all time frames, thus aiding traders in thei...
AUTHOR: Michael KahnDATE: OCT 1997SUBJECT: Classic Techniques