Article Archive For
Melvin E. Dickover
Reacting To Market Moves, Part 2
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What approach can lead to success in technical trading, in spite of all the cognitive biases we can have that were discussed in part 1 of this two-part article? Here in this second part, we try to answer that question by comparing what humans do in the market versus what the character Spock from "Star Trek" might...
AUTHOR: Melvin E. DickoverDATE: MAR 2016SUBJECT: Trading Psychology
AUTHOR: Melvin E. DickoverDATE: FEB 2016SUBJECT: Trading Psychology
Understanding Causes Of Market Movements
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...An evidence-based model argues that the price movement of a chart is fully explained by cycles, support & resistance, and news-driven price impulses. We can use a cognitive psychology-based hypothesis to explain why and how cycles arise...
AUTHOR: Melvin E. DickoverDATE: JUN 2015SUBJECT: New Techniques
AUTHOR: Melvin E. DickoverDATE: JUL 2015SUBJECT: New Techniques
AUTHOR: Melvin E. DickoverDATE: APR 2014SUBJECT: New techniques