Trading The Yen by Linda Satterfield
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Do you feel frustrated sometimes in your trading and wish you could get a blow-by-blow of what someone else is doing? Well, here's Linda Satterfield to take Stocks & Commodities readers through a series of trades she executed in the September 1994 yen futures market and how it turned out. By Linda Satterfield...
AUTHOR: Linda SatterfieldDATE: MAR 1994
Blending Time Frames by Linda Satterfield
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Blending Time Frames
by Linda Satterfield
The stock market has worlds within worlds, if you think about it -- time frames within time frames, all
interlinked and interdependent. The problem is, if you look at too small a time frame, you could find
yourself drowning in minutiae, and if you look at too large a time frame, you could find yourself missing
signals of opportunity. There must be a way to equitably look at situations both large and small without
getting bogged down. Linda Satterfield has a few suggestions.
For many traders, monitoring intraday charts can be an exciting experience. It...
AUTHOR: Linda SatterfieldDATE: APR 1992