When Backtests Meet Reality Part 2
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Being able to predict with some accuracy the live trading behavior of a trading strategy is important to your bottom line. Last time in part 1, we looked at some important facets and components of backtesting a trading strategy before you take it live. Here in part 2, we continue by presenting an objective method of evaluating your strategy in live trading so you can determine when you may need to correct course...
AUTHOR: Johann Christian LotterDATE: OCT 2021SUBJECT: System Development
When Backtests Meet Reality, Part 1
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Before you put real money on the line with a trading strategy, you will want to test the strategy to find out if it has a good chance of being profitable going forward. However, there are some important pitfalls to avoid when you go to design a backtest or evaluate the backtest results. Here's a way forward...
AUTHOR: Johann Christian LotterDATE: AUG 2021SUBJECT: System Development