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Article Archive For Jim Bianco, C.M.T.

  • Comparing The CRB With Bonds by Jim Bianco, C.M.T.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Comparing The CRB With Bonds by Jim Bianco, C.M.T. The Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) price index and the bond market have frequently been compared in the past because of their interrelated natures. The CRB is considered to be an indicator of inflation, and changes in the rate of inflation can affect investors' desire to hold bonds. The index, which tracks 21 commodities, is weighted toward agricultural products (about 62%), and because of its emphasis on agriculture, some investors tend to disregard it -- an error, because the index serves as an excellent proxy for commodity inflation. To d...

  • V.9:12 (482-485) SIDEBAR: Explaining r by Jim Bianco, C.M.T.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...EXPLAINING r Correlation analysis measures the degree of relationship between two variables. The correlation coefficient r is one popular statistical index for this purpose. The values for r range between +1 to -1; a +1 reading indicates that the two variables are perfectly correlated, while a -1 reading indicates a perfect inverse relationship. An r of 0 indicates that the two variables have no correlation. The correlation coefficient r measures the relationship between two variables that are believed to be linear. For instance, a straight line is used to describe the relationship if the two...

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