How useful are stochastics for trading? by Jack D. Schwager and Norman Strahm
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How useful are stochastics for trading? by Jack D. Schwager and Norman Strahm
In the current popular trading systems terminology, a stochastic refers to a measure of the placement of
the current price within a recent range. If the current price is near the top part of the recent range, the
stochastic will be high; if it is near the low end of the range, the stochastic will be low. Specifically, the
stochastic can be defined as follows:
t = -
Ct = current closing price
H = high price during past N days
L = low price during past N days
N = number of days used to calculate th...
AUTHOR: Jack D. Schwager and Norman StDATE: JUL 1986