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Article Archive For J.R. Davis

  • Comparing Three Indicators by J.R. Davis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Comparing Three Indicators by J.R. Davis Three trend-following indicators swing charts, random walks and moving averages are compared as separate mechanical trading methods. Although the markets that we trade are (arguably) fractal in nature and so not subject to close approximation by linear systems, purely mechanical approaches do have advantages over more individual, human approaches. Mechanical systems never have a bad day due to a head cold, for example, nor do they wait for more evidence before entering or exiting a position. At the very least, mechanical systems should provide useful ...

  • Swing Charts by J.R. Davis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Swing Charts by J.R. Davis A profitable trade has two dimensions: time and space (which, for our purposes, will be known as price change). A trade that occurs in a few seconds is extremely difficult to cash in unless you are directly on the floor. On the other hand, a trade that lasts for several weeks or months gives traders and investors a chance to profit. The swing charting technique unites time and space to find profits. Swing charts offer (at least) three ways to improve your balance sheet. They are unequaled in providing both entry timing and direction after a market has become conges...

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