Article Archive For
Grace Cheng
Forex Focus: Making Sense Of Currency Movements by Grace Cheng
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forex Focus: Making Sense Of Currency Movements by Grace Cheng
With currency movements so randomized,
how could you possibly know
when to enter and exit trades?
One of the most frequently asked
questions among forex traders is certainly this: What on earth is [any
currency pair] doing? This question
tends to come up especially when you
have open positions in the forex market.
The nonstop fluctuations of a currency
pair's exchange rate may seem
totally random. Some traders will question
if it is possible to even trade accurately
in such a random market.
Making sense of currency price
AUTHOR: Grace ChengDATE: APR 2008SUBJECT: Focus Forex
Forex Focus by Grace Cheng
AUTHOR: Grace ChengDATE: JAN 2007SUBJECT: Forex Focus
Forex Focus: Which Currency Pairs Should I Trade? by Grace Cheng
AUTHOR: Grace ChengDATE: DEC 2006SUBJECT: Forex Focus