STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

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Article Archive For Eric L. Sharp

  • Staying with the markets by Eric L. Sharp

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Staying with the markets by Eric L. Sharp Experience is a great teacher, but she charges such horrendous fees. Traders in both the cash and futures markets know that better than anyone. Anything that increases your insight into directions and targets for prices can replace some costly lessons. For years now, I've used a combined process of statistical and technical analysis for making investment and trading decisions. The results of the statistical analyses give me a framework for making projections and recognizing over- and under valuations. That adds to my confidence in applying technical a...

  • Japanese Stocks: Potential Calamity Or Business As Usual? by Eric L. Sharp

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Japanese Stocks: Potential Calamity Or Business As Usual? by Eric L. Sharp Market calamities can be interesting, profitable and even fun to watch. We've had a few of our own in the U.S., with the savings and loan debacle and the junk bond market hijinks. People who talk about how efficient markets are should be required to explain why these major market screwups occur when the signs leading up to them are often obvious. The Japanese stock market is another example. It serves as a good lesson on how an objective statistical evaluation can keep you on the right side of things. For several year...

  • Playing copper by Eric L. Sharp

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Playing copper by Eric L. Sharp Perhaps the best way to succeed in futures trading is to pick up early on major trends and stay with them for all they're worth. Copper went into a major bull market in early 1987, almost tripling in value from the start to the high. Here are two techniques that helped in interpreting and staying with the copper trend. None of these methods is practical without a computer and adequate software, because too much data and number crunching are involved to do it by hand. Statistical analysis is one method by which trends can be interpreted and predicted. Markets o...

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