Article Archive For
Ed Downs
Fine Tuning Oscillators by Ed Downs
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Fine Tuning Oscillators by Ed Downs
The conventional wisdom in technical trading systems implies that for a trading system to be reliable, it should work across all markets and all time frames. Here are some potential reasons why it's difficult to find a single trading system that works all the time for all markets, and how optimized oscillators can be used to overcome these problems and build a sound trading plan.
It is a given that each stock has its own unique collection of primary participants (buyers/sellers), its
own appeal (industry) and its own market strength (shares outstanding). I...
AUTHOR: Ed DownsDATE: NOV 1992
Looking At Momentum With TRIX by Ed Downs
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Looking At Momentum With TRIX by Ed Downs
The TRIX oscillator has unique properties that make it ideal for identifying direction of trend as well as cyclical entry points. Last month, Ed Downs showed us how various oscillators can be tuned to the personality of an individual stock through optimization. This month, he'll explain the use of a derivative technique using the TRIX oscillator.
If you smooth an exponential moving average (EMA) I of the closing price twice (taking the EMA of the
EMA of the EMA) and then plot the percentage change per period on the y-axis, you'll have one version of
AUTHOR: Ed DownsDATE: DEC 1992