Article Archive For
David L. Caplan
Neutral Options Strategies by David L. Caplan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here's an overview of using options as a technique to take advantage of unique situations in the futures markets. By David L. Caplan
How can you take advantage of the same principles of success that the most profitable corporations in the
world, the casinos and insurance companies, use to improve your odds in trading?
Why are insurance companies and casinos so profitable? Insurance companies are consistently profitable
because they use the laws of mathematics, probability and special circumstances to their advantage. They can
pick and choose who they want to insure and the prices they want t...
AUTHOR: David L. CaplanDATE: SEP 1996
Options In Trading Ranges by David L. Caplan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Options In Trading Ranges by David L. Caplan
Options have a natural appeal due to the limited risk aspect for the options buyer, but there is a tradeoff: Because of the time decay factor, options lose value. However, as David Caplan, publisher of the Opportunities in Options newsletter, points out, you can take advantage of the time value decay characteristics. Here's how.
Option purchases and futures trades are only successful if the market moves in the direction predicted
(without the trader being stopped out first, naturally). In addition, option buyers have to worry about time
value dec...
AUTHOR: David L. CaplanDATE: APR 1994
How to be wrong and still profit by David L. Caplan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How to be wrong and still profit by David L. Caplan
Why bother learning and using professional option strategies? Why spend the time and energy to
learn how and when to use options and option strategies when, in trading futures, all you have to do is
use your technical, fundamental or system analysis, pick the direction of the market, follow the trend, buy
low, sell high and reap the profits?
In comparison to those two or three decisions that have to be made in trading futures, option strategists
have almost 40 billion decisions to make! Should options be bought or sold? Should puts or calls...
AUTHOR: David L. CaplanDATE: JUN 1987
Overlooked Trading Opportunities by David L. Caplan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Overlooked Trading Opportunities
by David L. Caplan
Option strategies are, unquestionably, one of the most under-used and overlooked opportunities available
to the trader. Properly used, option strategies can provide the trader with significant new trading
opportunities and advantages. However, option strategies are currently used only by a small minority of
traders. There are several reasons for this.
First, option trading is relatively new--options on stocks have been exchange traded for twelve years and
options on commodity futures and cash indicies for less than three. Secondly, most trad...
AUTHOR: David L. CaplanDATE: AUG 1985