Article Archive For
Darryl W. Maddox
Calculating Momentum A New Way by Darryl W. Maddox
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Calculating Momentum A New Way
by Darryl W. Maddox
Traditionally, the calculation of market momentum has been a difference calculation. Thus, a
momentum indicator for the Dow Jones Industrial Average is calculated by subtracting the closing value
on one date from the closing value on some later date and by doing so, momentum curves are constructed
for various time frames ranging from a few days to a few months.
Calling the result of a difference calculation ""momentum"" has bothered me since I started to learn about
the market. Having been trained in physics, I thought a momentum indicator s...
AUTHOR: Darryl W. MaddoxDATE: APR 1991
Percent Difference Oscillator by Darryl W. Maddox
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Percent Difference Oscillator by Darryl W. Maddox
To determine intermediate-term turning points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), I use a procedure that I call a percent difference oscillator. The data gleaned from the use of the oscillator can be used to time fund-switching or stock index option buying and
The oscillator involves calculating an 18-day moving average, the difference between the current day's close and the 18-day moving average and then expressing the difference as a percentage of the 18-day moving average. The calculation is as follows:
%Diff. = (Current ...
AUTHOR: Darryl W. MaddoxDATE: NOV 1990