Defining The Bull And The Bear by Chuck Dukas
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Defining The Bull And The Bear by Chuck Dukas
"Bullish" and "bearish" are terms frequently used
to describe the price behavior of financial instruments.
What exactly do they mean?
All price action can be categorized into
six phases of trends that describe the
cycle of markets. You can apply this insight to any financial instrument on any time frame.
Although the principles will be illustrated with daily
bars, you can utilize the concepts on intraday data, daily, weekly, or any time frames
on commodities, stocks, or indexes
or in fact any financial instrument
subject to market forces.
To be ...
AUTHOR: Chuck DukasDATE: Bonus Issue 2007SUBJECT: Trading Techniques
Market Phase And Chart Formation by Chuck Dukas
AUTHOR: Chuck DukasDATE: FEB 2000SUBJECT: Trading Techniques