Fixing The Flaws In Fixed-Fractional Position Sizing by Christian B. Smart, PhD
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Fixing The Flaws In Fixed-Fractional Position Sizing by Christian B. Smart, PhD
Fixed-fractional position sizing is a time-tested method for
money management, but in the long run, it will never achieve
system expectancy. Here's how you can fix this flaw.
Fixed-fractional position sizing is a popular
and time-tested method for money management.
In the strategy, a fixed percentage of
equity is risked per trade. The formula is
given here as:
Amount risked per trade = Equity * f
where f is the fixed percentage of equity risked per trade.
Fixed-fractional money management is an intuitive method
AUTHOR: Christian B. Smart, PhDDATE: AUG 2007SUBJECT: Money Management