A Rationale For Managed Futures by Charles R. Lightner
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A Rationale For Managed Futures
by Charles R. Lightner
Although the futures markets are widely misunderstood even
among knowledgeable investors, they serve a critical purpose
in our economy; through the managed futures industry,
they provide an important investment opportunity for both
institutions and individuals, and they need not expose the
investor to unreasonable levels of risk.
Stocks, bonds, and real estate are
the largest and best-known types
of investments in our economy.
They have distinctly different
investment characteristics, and
each has a specific effect on an
investment port...
AUTHOR: Charles R. LightnerDATE: MAR 1999SUBJECT: Managed Futures
Inherent Return In Futures Markets by Charles R. Lightner
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Inherent Return In
Futures Markets
There has been a long-running controversy about the source
of returns to futures market investors. With that in mind,
consider new data in support of the theory that there is an
inherent return to the noncommercial investor group, one
that represents compensation for their acceptance of risk....
AUTHOR: Charles R. LightnerDATE: JUL 1999SUBJECT: Managed Futures