Bollinger Band Targets by Benjamin L.Cotton
Band Targets by Benjamin L.Cotton
You can calculate the future price movement necessary to cross a moving standard deviation band condition such as a Bollinger Band, emoving the guess-work from systems trading on such elationships.
Here's the logic behind such an indicator as well as
the TradeStation programming that makes it work.
My November 1999 article for STOCKS & COMMODITIES introduced the BogieMA, an indicator that solves
for the future price that
would trigger a moving average crossover. This
type of indicator saves traders from plugging in a
best-guess price in a database ...
AUTHOR: Benjamin L. CottonDATE: JUL 2000SUBJECT: New Techniques
Triggering Your Trading Signal by Benjamin L. Cotton
AUTHOR: Benjamin L. CottonDATE: NOV 1999SUBJECT: Basic Techniques