Applying MIDAS To Daily And Weekly Charts by A. Coles and D. Hawkins
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Applying MIDAS To Daily And Weekly Charts by A. Coles and D. Hawkins
In this second part of this series we go one step further by adding deeper insight into price action.
SO far, we have explored what technical analyst Paul Levine called the scientific aspect of the market interpretation/data analysis system (Midas) -- that is, the quantitative laws that give rise to Midas and the curves of Levine's indicator, the topfinder/bottomfinder (TB-F). In this article, we will examine what Levine called the engineering aspect of Midas -- the practical trading rules on which the system is based.
AUTHOR: A. Coles and D. HawkinsDATE: AUG 2009SUBJECT: Indicators