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Interview  |  JUL 2007

Interview: John Netto, On Trading And Inflection Points by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Interview: John Netto, On Trading And Inflection Points by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan John Netto is the president of One Shot — One Kill Trading, LLC, and the author of the book One Shot — One Kill Trading (McGraw-Hill). He is a principal in Triple Witch Metals Management, a hedge fund focused on the trading of precious metals, and he frequently contributes market insight through his blog, “Netto’s Numbers.” Netto is a nine-year US Marine Corps veteran who served throughout the Far East and speaks, reads, and writes Japanese and Mandarin. He can be heard regularly on Las Vegas–area radio to analyze sports handicapping and poker opportunities. Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan interviewed John Netto on May 2, 2007, via telephone. John, how did you get interested in trading? I have always been fand with certain degrees of chaos. The first kind of risk adventure I went into was sports betting, when I was eight or nine, betting on football games. It was nothing substantial, but it always fascinated me. Then when I was 11, I saw the movie Wall Street with Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen. The lightbulb went on. I knew right then and there what I wanted to do. When I saw the excitement, the people screaming on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, it just hooked me. So then what happened? I started researching. I subscribed to what is now Investor’s Business Daily. I read The Wall Street Journal, studied options, read a book when I was 13 called Stock Market Logic, by Norm Fosback. Back then, I didn’t understand what technicals were. I didn’t understand what a moving average was, or what price action was. The breakthrough for me came in 1997, my third year in the Marine Corps. How did you end up in the Marines? Well, to get there, you have to understand I ran a gambling operation in high school. I was a high school bookie. I ended up with a 1.7 grade-point average, and when I graduated it was time for me to make a change. So I joined the Marines and became, of all things, a weather forecaster. I went from trying to prognosticate one bit of randomness to another. I was stationed in Japan, and because I wanted to speak Japanese when I was over there, I studied it and ended up stationed at the US Embassy in Tokyo. I worked there for the State Department, and I had a lot of night watches, so I started following the US markets again at night. I opened up my first E*Trade account for trading and read as much as I could. I was assigned back to the United States in 1998. A while after that, I happened to read a book titled Trading With DiNapoli Levels by Joe DiNapoli. That made all the difference.

by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

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